Yes, some of you may have the right answer. Although Abraham received utterly inconceivable and unprecedented instruction from God, he has no doubt at all. In fact he was very confident to follow the instruction. Insane? No! I would call it: What a faith! So, can you tell me which verses in Scripture indicating his confidence in dealing with this God's severe test?
Yeah, again you're right! Let us together take a look at these verses from Genesis chapter 22:
- He did the instruction at once (v.3)
- He told his young men that he and Isaac will return (v.4)
- He told Isaac that God would supply a lamb for the offering (v.8)
- He stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son (v.10)
My understanding is Abraham strongly believed that God was able to raise his son Isaac up, even from the dead since He had promised him that his seed shall be called in Isaac. This dramatic event is the shadow of the human salvation in the New testament where God has to sacrifice His son, Jesus. Through Jesus, God saves us and promises for an eternal life.
PS: Jehovah Jireh is The-LORD-Will-Provide
PS: Jehovah Jireh is The-LORD-Will-Provide
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