Kamis, 16 September 2010


Dimulai dari kira-kira dua (2) tahun yang lalu, saya sangat terusik dengan suatu pertentangan dari kata 'Allah' sehingga tergelitik untuk menelitinya dan menulisnya ke dalam blog saya ini. Bahkan saya mendengar bahwa ada saja orang yang benar-benar 'ngotot' atas pendiriannya sehingga harus meninggalkan gereja karena alasan itu! Hmmm... Kata itu benar-benar kontroversial menurut saya. Ternyata nasihat penulis Ibrani (Ibr. 10:25) dan Rasul Paulus (2 Tim. 2:23 dan Tit. 3:9) cukup relevan hingga saat ini.

Jika kita mau membaca secara teliti ALKITAB terjemahan Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (LAI), maka kita akan mendapatkan bahwa
  1. Tulisan kata 'Allah' dipakai LAI untuk menyatakan suatu jenis eksistensi di luar eksistensi hidup lain seperti manusia, hewan, tumbuhan bahkan Iblis (beserta antek-anteknya)! Saya melihat bahwa kata tersebut sama sekali tidak dipakai oleh LAI untuk menggantikan kata YHWH seperti yang tertulis di dalam kitab asli Ibrani. Kata 'Allah' yang tercantum di dalam kitab kita justru hanya dipakai untuk mentranslasikan kata Elohim atau Eloah di dalam kitab aslinya, yang notabene kata tersebut telah dipakai oleh Arab Kristen jauh sebelum Arab Islam lahir. Konon, mengingat kebenarannya bahwa bahasa Ibrani dan bahasa Arab memiliki akar yang sama dalam rumpun bahasa, yaitu bahasa Semit, maka kata Elohim dan Eloah dan Allah merujuk kepada makna yang sama. Akar kesamaan kata dari kedua bahasa tersebut adalah pada huruf A (Alef), L (Lamed) dan H (dalam bentuk hembusan nafas). Sedang terjemahan kata 'Allah' ke dalam bahasa Inggrisnya adalah God.
  2. Tulisan kata Tuhan dipakai LAI untuk mentranslasikan kata  Adonay dalam bahasa Ibrani atau Kurios dalam bahasa Yunani atau Lord dalam bahasa Inggris, yang memiliki makna untuk menyatakan gelar  bagi yang Maha Tinggi, seperti halnya panggilan Tuan kepada seorang majikan. Gelar tersebut disandangkan bagi-Nya untuk membedakan kedudukan atau jenjang antara Sang Pencipta / Yang Maha Tinggi dangan yang diciptakan. Sehingga sebenarnya kata YHWH dalam bahasa Ibrani, secara tradisional diucapkan oleh bangsa Israel dengan sebutan Adonay demi menghindari pelanggaran atas '10 Perintah Allah'.
  3. Tulisan kata TUHAN dipakai LAI untuk menterjemahkan kata GOD dalam bahasa Inggris atau kata YHWH dalam kitab aslinya. Adapun kata YHWH sebenarnya adalah suatu translasi kata Ibrani yang berbetuk seperti  simbol (lih. gambar di atas) ke dalam bahasa Latin. Dan sangat perlu diketahui pula bahwa kata Yahweh (dugaan pengucapan asli) atau Yehowah bukanlah kata yang secara aslinya tertulis demikian di dalam kitab aslinya. Kedua kata tersebut sebenarnya merupakan rekayasa dari para sarjana Yahudi yang membubuhkan tanda untuk huruf vokal kepada kata YHWH yang diambil dari kata 'adonay'. Sehingga jika ditulis ke dalam bahasa Latin, akan dapat dibaca menjadi Yehowah. Namun, apapun hasil rekayasa dari para sarjana tersebut, kedua kata tersebut bukanlah merupakan nama pasti dari Yang Maha Tinggi, mengingat secara nyata memang tidak tertulis demikian.
Penelitian di atas bukanlah hal yang absolut dan yang sempurna di dalam menjawab pertentangan yang kontroversial tersebut. Semuannya tetap harus kembali kepada suatu pendirian bahwa pengetahuan dan hikmat yang absolut adalah yang berasal dari Sang Pencipta sendiri yang dapat kita terima melalui Roh Kudus. Namun, paling tidak, perspektif saya  yang sederhana ini mungkin dapat memberikan angin segar bagi bagi kata yang kontroversial tersebut untuk sedikit melentur.


Selasa, 14 September 2010


Type: Place
Reading: Isaiah 9:1

It was along this large beautiful lake in northern Palistine that Jesus called his first disciples to follow him.
When Jesus walked on water, it was on the sea of Galilee. When he called his disciples, it was along the shores of the Sea of Galilee, and when preached from boat, he was on the Sea of Galilee. This "sea" is actually a 13-mile-long freshwater lake in the district of Galilee in the northern part of the Holy Land. Shaped roughly like a harp, the Sea of Galilee is fed mainly by the Jordan River, which enters it from the north and flows out of the lake at its southern end. The Sea of Galilee lies about 700 feet below sea level and has a maximum depth of 150 feet.

Because of the high hills that surround the lake, abrupt temperature changes can occur on the water, causing sudden storms. It was probably such a storm that Jesus stilled with a simple command when his disciples feared that their fishing boat would sink. 

Other names for the Sea of Galilee are the Lake of Tiberius, the Sea of Genesaret, and the Sea of Chinnereth (from the Hebrew word for "harp-shapped"). There are numerous towns along the shores of the lake, including Tiberius, Magdala, Gennesaret, Bethsaida, and Capernaum. Bethsaida was the home of the Apostles Peter, Andrew, and Philip, and Capernaum served as Jesus's headquarters for part of his ministry.

Jesus performed 18 of his 33 recorded miracles in the immediate neighborhood of the Sea of Galilee. Ten of these took place at Capernaum.

--- Grolier Inc. MCMXCVI ---

Senin, 13 September 2010


Time: 1015 B.C.
Reading: 1 Samuel 17:1
Armed only with a slingshot, young David kills a Philistine giant by striking him in the forehead with a single stone
Camped on a hillside 15 miles west of Bethlehem, a fierce Philistine army stood ready for battle. They were a fearsome group, dressed in armor and carrying iron weapons that the Israelites had never seen before. King Saul's troops occupied a hill opposite the Philistines. Each day for 40 days, Goliath, a Philistine warrior who was at least 6 feet 9 inches tall, challenged any Israelite to fight him. The terms were winner-take-all. The nation with the losing warrior would be forced to submit the victor.

Young David, a shepherd boy from Bethlehem, was bringing food to three of his brothers, who were among Saul's troops. As he neared the hillside, David heard Goliath's booming challenge and angrily offered to take it (1 Sam 17:32-37).

Saul dressed David in his own armor, but it was too big and heavy for the boy. Instead David decided to fight Goliath with the simple weapons he used to protect his herds from prowling lions and bears: a staff and a slingshot. As he neared Goliath, David picked up five smooth stones from the drey riverbed.

"Am I a dog," Goliath roared, "that you come to me with sticks?" (1 Sam 17:43). Without a word, David sent a single stone zooming through the air at a deadly speed. It struck Goliath in the forehead, hurling his huge body to the ground, facedown. Then David took the giant's sword and cut off his head. The Israelites cheered as the Philistines fled in terror.

Information: Goliath's armor included a 150-pound coat of flexible metal, a bronze helmet, and a bronze leg guards.

--- Grolier Inc. MCMXCVI ---

Minggu, 27 September 2009


Elizabeth Yates commented humorously, “When you get to your wit’s end, you’ll find God lives there.” What do you think of the joke? Does it remind us of ourselves? Well, sometimes we involve God when we are at the end of the road, don’t we? We cry for His help when we are desperate. It looks like we live in the different realm with our Creator.

Pleroo is a Greek word meaning ‘be filled’. In accordance with God’s word, the Sprit of the Lord dwells within everyone who believes in Jesus. It means His Spirit permeates our spirit, and become one. We live in the same realm. Our goal of live as a Christian is now merely motivated and totally controlled by domination of the Holy Spirit.

Don’t destroy yourself by getting drunk, but let the Spirit fill your life. (Ephesians 5:18, CEV)

Therefore, if we are filled with the Holly Spirit, we will always involve our Lord in every decision we make at any time. We will never be lost in control and come to our wit’s end again.


Senin, 10 Agustus 2009


I have a unique experience that I want to share with you. I hope we can draw a valuable lesson from it.
I have once worked in one advertising company located in Jakarta. I was hired by this company to lead the operational division and to replace a person who was planned to be transferred to the different division. At the first interview this person showed me her room that was going to be mine. After the final interview with the owners, we all agreed to work together. At my first day of work (until my last day), I wasn’t directed to seat in the room as promised. I was also introduced to my subordinates as an assistant, not as a leader as the agreement. She appointed herself as my superior and she had a temperamental outburst. So many unusual things then happened along my probation period. Fresh lubricant came out from inside the Plasma TVs. Sabotage to our billboards was everywhere and unstoppable even though we had already maximized the night security to guard the billboards. This was so amazed that I couldn’t imagine what was going on? I also checked the record sheet and found that it was never happed like this before. These occurrences had brought a chance for this lady to exhort me to take a Jakarta night tour from 12am to 3am then back to the office at 9 am. How does it sound, my friend? What if it happened to you? I was so confused at that time and as a Christian, I wouldn’t allow to accuse someone. In fact, I could easily accuse my superior for stabbing my back. On the contrary, she always gave me a lesson from bible. She also always went to chapel in the early morning to pray before coming to work. So amazing, isn’t it? Then, after 3 month probation she came to me and asked me to resign. She also accused me to admit something that I didn’t do!
Sabotage, wrong accusation and persecution are in the category of Dissipation. It brings up hostility not only to the human-beings but also to our God. However, it won’t be happened if Holy Spirit really indwells, will it? We may boast our faith but if we have no love or affection toward others, what is our faith going be? Stale, isn’t it?
Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or
rude. Love isn’t selfish or quick tempered. It doesn’t keep a record of wrong
that others do. Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil. Love is always
supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting. Love never fails! (1 Corinth 13:4-8,
Real Christian will not conduct this behavior. Christian who has born anew has a character of ArĂȘte or Virtue. The word ArĂȘte comes from Greek language. It means the ability to perform heroic deeds. Being a Hero is not easy. It requires a true sacrifice like what has Jesus done for us at the Cross. And the true sacrifice will emerge from inside us if the Holy Spirit abides us.
The greatest way to show love for friends is to die for them. (John 15:13, CEV)
The Scripture says if you don’t want to sacrifice for your friends (for the truth condition) then you don’t have love. If you don’t have love, then you don’t have the Spirit! So, what is our response?

Selasa, 12 Mei 2009


Paul wrote to his disciples in Corinth: '... Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.'

Well folks, this time I want to discuss about a faith journey. It reflects also my weakness in the past, as far as I recall. And I thought this would be a perfect time to share my faith confession as a reminder for all of us.

Like it or not, consciously or not, sometimes we talk too much about how great our faith is. We proud of ourselves about the miracles we made. We then become arrogant and begin to value and judge other’s faith. Some of us may claim that they can heal sick persons or rise man from the death or cast out demons or do many wonders else in Jesus’ name. We teach others to read the Bible everyday, pray a lot, and have a family altar every morning or evening. We jostle these people for many spiritual advices until their brains become cluttered. We unconsciously learn and talk about Jesus for our own purpose: exalting our own names instead of His. Let me tell you the truth: I used to be like this person. Perhaps, I didn’t know about the real faith is! I was one of the hypocrites! I was faux! I brought conflicts in my family and friends which was not right anymore. But then I realized that I did something wrong. I blamed myself and came to God. Ask Him what’s wrong to be proud? And God showed me this lesson:

It’s is written in the Scripture that everyone who has faith in Jesus can demonstrate spiritual wonders. It’s a God’s gift! Each believer has his/her own special gift according to the Holy Spirit. However, all of us have to use it in order to achieve God’s plan, not ours! Off course I agree that it requires our faith but it doesn't mean that the gift shows a great faith of ours. Let’s learn about a real faith from these following statements:

… if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move… (Matthew 17:20)

... “Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the (evil) spirit are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:20)

With these two statements, I then come to the conclusion that the miracle we demonstrate only signs a common faith! Wow! So, when we have a great faith? Let’s see how Jesus reacted on someone else’s faith in other situation:

… When Jesus heard it, He marveled,… I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel! (Matthew 8:10)

To get into the point we’re discussing, allow me to ask you and myself 3 questions:

  1. What kind of miracle did the centurion do, so Jesus became amazed by his faith
  2. What kind of miracle did Abraham do, so later on he was called as a Father of the Faithful?
  3. What kind of miracle did Rahab the harlot do, so her name was written in the Scripture as the ancestor of our Lord Jesus?
I know that this article doesn’t contain a sophisticated biblical analysis but I am sure most of us can grab a positive lesson from this article.

Note: Let’s honor and praise our Lord, Jesus, by maintaining peace between churches.

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009


May I ask you this: When God told Abraham to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering one one of the mountains of Moriah (Gen. 22:1-2), what was the reaction of Abraham? Did he second-guess God? Was he sad although he obeyed God hesitantly? Was he afraid? What did he think? Did he ask God to reconsider His decision?

Yes, some of you may have the right answer. Although Abraham received utterly inconceivable and unprecedented instruction from God, he has no doubt at all. In fact he was very confident to follow the instruction. Insane? No! I would call it: What a faith! So, can you tell me which verses in Scripture indicating his confidence in dealing with this God's severe test?

Yeah, again you're right! Let us together take a look at these verses from Genesis chapter 22:

  1. He did the instruction at once (v.3)
  2. He told his young men that he and Isaac will return (v.4)
  3. He told Isaac that God would supply a lamb for the offering (v.8)
  4. He stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son (v.10)
My understanding is Abraham strongly believed that God was able to raise his son Isaac up, even from the dead since He had promised him that his seed shall be called in Isaac. This dramatic event is the shadow of the human salvation in the New testament where God has to sacrifice His son, Jesus. Through Jesus, God saves us and promises for an eternal life.

PS: Jehovah Jireh is The-LORD-Will-Provide